Lutheran Community Services

LCS helps individuals and families address food, housing, and other essential needs with dignity and respect. LCS has been serving low-income families in Wilmington and New Castle County, Delaware since 1959. Below are services that we provide for our community.

Housing Stability

Help with past due rent/utility payments and security deposits, as well as case management to achieve stability.

Food Pantries

A network of Food Distributions that provide healthy and nutritious foods. 

Health Services

Delaware Food Farmacy – Prescription Food Program.

Smoking Cessation - Outreach and Program management for the Delaware Quitline.

Telling Their Stories

From Emergency to Empowerment, learn what's new in our community!

Join us for the 2024 Walktoberfest!

We are happy to welcome everyone to the 2024 Walktoberfest at Concordia Lutheran Church on September 21, 2024! The day will go from 9am to 2pm, rain or shine.

Support the LCS Food Hub Capital Campaign

LCS is thrilled to be constructing a healthy food warehouse/fulfillment center next to our facility. We hope you'll help us bring healthy food to DE families!

2023 Year in Review

We are there for people when they have food and housing emergencies. We move people from emergency to empowerment through prevention and treatment programming.


If You Would Like to Support Us

Make a Donation

Your support enables us to keep all our programs operating, meet increasing demand, pay our awesome staff, maintain our equipment, plant our gardens and take care of all the day-to-day expenses of running a nonprofit.

Volunteers Needed

We are able to serve the number of people that we do because of our awesome volunteers! There are meaningful opportunities to help in each one of our program areas, as well as our garden, in the office and at events.

Food Drives

The demand for food is at an all-time high due to the economic disruption from the COVID-19 crisis. You can help supplement our food supply by donating items that we need or organizing a food drive to collect those items.

Become a Sponsor

We offer opportunities for small businesses and large corporations, with a broad range of packages and amenities for all our events.

No one should have to worry their basic needs aren’t being met.

Basic needs such as stable housing, food, clothing and to access medical care are important determinants of health and well-being. Poverty rates, in combination with lack of sufficient affordable housing, has made securing even the most essential needs difficult for many people in our area. This has a profoundly negative impact and individuals and families, as well as the larger community. The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated this situation, and shined a further spotlight on the need and inequities that exist.

1 in 0
Children in Delaware are Food Insecure
The poverty rate in Wilmington
In health costs for smokers every year.

Together, we help meet the need

There are many ways LCS measures success – the number of people we serve, the economic benefit of our services, the prevention of escalating consequences, and the impact on people’s lives. Some things can be measured specifically, and others depend on an individual’s circumstances. Success looks different for each one of our clients. We use a blend of statistics and personal stories to help us measure our impact. Through working with clients every day, we know that the impact of preventing homelessness, providing nutritious food, and creating access to health services is substantial.


Amount of financial assistance provided for rent, mortgage, utilities, and security
deposits in 2023


Number of people served in our food pantries in 2023


Number of medically tailored meals delivered through the Delaware Food Farmacy since inception


Annual savings for a pack a day smoker who quits

We are grateful for the spirit that persists.

Thank you to all of our supporters

The work done at LCS cannot be done alone. LCS depends on our large network of volunteers, donors, and supporters who help our mission and have a heart to serve. We are grateful to everyone that is a part of the LCS community. Thank you!

See the supporters who make our work possible.

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